Exclusive Online Texas Holdem Poker strategy articles, poker room reviews plus rec.gambling.poker gateway, news, tournaments, tells, blogs, rules, bonuses, sexy girls and tutorials.
Gary Carson comes from a background in banking, business administration, and teaching, and writes on Texas Hold-em, poker strategy and probability.
Gary Carson is the author of The Complete Book of Hold ’em Poker, The Complete Book of Casino Poker, and scores of magazine and newsletter articles on a wide variety of subjects.
He has written extensively on no limit hold-em poker at low limits, on applying poker strategy in “loose” games, and written on the subject of women in poker. He is a regular contributor to the poker newsgroup rec.gambling.poker, where his advice is often sought.
His gambling articles have appeared in Cardplayer, Poker Digest, American Turf Monthly, Racing Star Digest, and pokerpages.com. He currently lives in Mississippi. You can read his poker blog at Poker Writers.
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Online poker play strategy can only be helped by defining some of the myths that apply strictly to online poker rooms.
Playing Overcards: A overview. The game of Texas Hold’Em Poker is one of the most exciting ways to play poker, and it has certainly energized the world of poker play. When playing this exciting game, however, it is vital to use proper strategy, and one of the most challenging situations involves the use of flops […]
The World Poker Players Conference exceeded my expectations –and probably those of the organizers too.
PartyPoker’s annual floating cruise-ship event, the PartyPoker Millions, was captured this time around by Germany’s Alexander Jung. Jung triumphed over a 171-player field light on American players, who were unable to qualify online (Party does not accept US players online at this time), but still could buy in directly since it was a land… er… water-based tournament.
How should you position yourself in relation to your opponents when you play poker? Make no mistake about it, seat selection is important.
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